Cayennechallenge :: Social responsability

Social responsability

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Dani’s forrest, El bosque de los Danis

In the development of Challenge events, we have always maintained a strong sense of social responsibility. Since our first edition of the Vw Golf Challenge in 2012, we have provided tons of charitable materials to the most needy regions of the destinations we have visited. Starting in 2022, we launched another project in line with our commitment to our planet. That’s why we initiated a tree planting project through the NGO Tree-nation, in collaboration with the Asociación huella de carbono (Carbon Footprint Association). This project is called “El bosque de los Danis” (The Danis Forest), a forest designed to offset the carbon footprint of our events. Consequently, in each edition of the Cayenne Challenge, we will calculate our carbon footprint to plant as many trees as necessary to offset that footprint.

In our first year of our forest, we have planted more than 1600 trees, and in the coming months and years, our goal is to continue planting. This is not big deal for the planet, but it’s ours small contribution and it brings us a lot of excitement.